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Musical Animation: Maps of Suffering

Maps of Suffering is a Musical Animation for the book Notes for an Oratorio on Small Things That Fall by Insurrections Ensemble member Ari Sitas, with Kristy Stone, Greg Dor, and Reza Khota. Published by Tulika Books. Animation by Kristy Stone, and Music by Reza Khota, Shane Cooper, Derek Gripper, and Bronwen Clacherty.


Notes for an Oratorio on Small Things That Fall is a poetic, creative and sociological take on our contemporary silk roads and hazmat highways. Parts of its libretto have been staged by Anuradha Kapur and Deepan Sivaramanan in Delhi in 2018 as Dark Things. The journey reconstructs a via dolorosa through the excesses and forms of exploitation, discrimination and suffering.


About the Authors: 

Ari Sitas is a poet, dramatist, and sociologist. He was at the core of the transformation of Labour Studies, of popular and theater work, and a range of cultural initiatives in South Africa. He has recently been awarded the highest honor bequeathed to South Africans for his scientific and creative work, the Order of Mapungubwe.

Kristy Stone is a fine artist and aesthetician theorist at the Centre for Humanities Research of the University of the Western Cape.

Greg Dor is a journalist, scholar, and activist in South Africa.

Reza Khota is a composer and leader of a number of ensembles, and an accomplished guitarist.


Accessing the Animation:

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